How YOU can have some control in creating a great Family Portrait
Where can I control how to create a great family Portrait? A great family photo is comprised of many elements. Lighting, location,...

Showered with Love
My cousin asked if I'd snap a few photos before our other cousin's wedding shower and I couldn't have been more honored. Without trying...

In a time of darkness
There is light .... and it's all around us, you just have to look for it. I used to be a girl of many words. I wrote about everything, I...

The Magic of it All
We had the BEST time tonight .... it was a "let's go downtown and look in all the windows" kind of night ... and this child LOVED it. I...

Living on Borrowed Time
Sunday was supposed to be a day for a client but instead Sunday had blistery cold winds and we decided to reschedule to this coming Sunday.

Now, this child, she didn't have much to say with her words but those eyes spoke volumes. This is a girl who is going to conquer the...